The company was established in 1992 as ALIAPHARM GMBH FRANKFURT and has been operating under the name PHARMAGEN GMBH since its acquisition in 2010.
Located at Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36, Frankfurt am Main, Pharmagen GmbH benefits from long-standing partnerships with companies in Wuhan, China, and Mumbai, India, ensuring reliable delivery.
Our cooperation with Pharmagen s.r.o. in Bratislava and its production facility AMPHORA s.r.o. in Hlohovec, Slovak Republic, allows us to expand our range of ampoules.
In addition to API s and chemicals, we offer our customers access to contract manufacturing of generics in Slovakia.
Our partner companies in India, China and Europe use their local expertise to maintain direct and continuous communication with our manufacturers. They assist our business partners with site visits, support audits, ensure the availability of documentation, and manage the logistics necessary to comply with regulatory requirements.
Our Offices are situated in:
Pharmagen GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36
60325 Frankfurt